11 Jan 22
In December 2021 the first 12 beneficiaries of the Dominica’s Housing Recovery Project (HRP) received the keys to their new homes.
HRP is an island wide project designed to replace destroyed houses while building resilience in the housing sector in Dominica.
Successful applicants are being provided with financial, technical and administrative assistance through the HRP to drive their individual, owner-driven reconstruction process. Financial support is provided in the form of a grant, to the homeowner, with payment releases at key construction stages far a safe, resilient new homes.
Clarkebond is the Contractor for the Design and Construction supervision of 450 units of resilient housing for vulnerable people. We are providing lead consultant, project management, structural and civil engineering design with architecture (sub-contracted to Article 25), cost management (sub-contracted to RLB St Lucia) and local input (sub-contracted to Edgehill Fortune Dominica). The project is funded by the World Bank.
We have developed 6 house type designs to suit varying site constraints and topography, with a maximum floor area of 540sq ft. Constrained masonry and reinforced blockwork solutions have been adopted utilising reinforced concrete tied foundations, floor and roof slabs. This means they will be capable of resisting Category 5 hurricanes and local seismic design forces.
Great emphasis is placed on utilising local people within the communities, and we will leave a lasting and sustainable improvement in construction knowledge to those small neighbourhood contractors that are constructing the units.
All construction and materials control is governed by an Environment and Social Management Framework with each site having a specific and audited Environmental and Social Management Plan. The local contractors utilise local materials, sourcing blocks manufactured on island, with locally won aggregates and use products available from local suppliers.
This offers benefits to the sustainability of the environment and economy of “The Nature Island of the Caribbean” and provides a legacy through greater understanding of improved resilient methods of construction.
The following video follows the journey of the first 12 homes to be handed over to recipients.
Click anywhere on the image to view.