Our Projects

Pannier Market, Barnstaple

Project Overview:

Located at the heart of Barnstaple, the Pannier Market, a Grade II listed heritage site is undergoing a significant transformation. The goal is to repurpose and diversify the market into a dynamic, flexible space, fostering a more diverse and ambitious programme of markets, events, and community gatherings.

The introduction of a new gateway through the market, leading to the derelict abattoir, will create additional studio space and unlock further opportunities for the community.

Our Involvement:

Main Market

  • Structural Investigations of the timber roof structure, including engaging with a specialist for a condition survey of the timber.
  • Structural repairs for the timber trusses and purlins, including engaging with a specialist for specialist repairs (Rotafix).
  • Structural analysis of existing trusses to determine the suitability for PV panels addition.
  • New acoustic wall and foundations to provide acoustic separation with the Queen’s theatre.
  • Trial pit investigations to expose existing foundations to determine the design of the new wall foundation.

Renovation of the public toilets included

  • New opening of existing walls.
  • Widening of existing brick piers.
  • Re-levelling the upper floor and constructing a new floor to create a new office space.
  • Strengthening existing timber floor.
  • Steel support following demolitions of modern walls.
  • Modifications to the roof support following wall.
  • Demolitions to create open plan spaces.

Renovation of the Corn Store included

  • Existing trusses analysis to determine the suitability of the upgrade of the roof U-Values with new glazing and insulation.
  • New partition wall and foundation for the Corn Store to divide the space.
  • Crack repairs of masonry with specialist involvement (Helifix).
  • Lintel repairs and replacement to openings.

Appointment Process:

Our journey with this significant revitalisation project began through an open tender process. This transparent and competitive selection underscores our commitment to contributing to the preservation and enhancement of the Pannier Market, a true historic gem in Barnstaple.

Sustainability Features:

Repurposing an existing building highlights a commitment to recourse efficiency and adaptive reuse. The upgrade of the Corn Store roof glazing with triple-glazed windows enhances energy performance, and the integration of air source heat pumps for heating emphasises reliance on renewable energy.

These initiatives collectively showcase the project’s dedication to environmentally responsible practices, contributing to a more sustainable and efficient outcome.

Challenges and Resolutions:

Site Opening Works and Unexpected Discoveries

As typical with historic projects, the initial assumptions regarding materials and dimensions during site opening works proved to me limited. Varied dimensions and materials were uncovered, necessitating modifications to the proposed plans. Moreover, unforeseen defects such as cracks and structural deficiencies emerged, demanded immediate attention and resolution.

Conservation Officer Approval for Grade II Listed Building

Working within the contestants of a Grade II listed building, any alterations required approval from the conservation officer. Close collaboration was maintained with the conservation officer to align project interventions with preservation requirements.

This process, while essential, led to on-site challenges due to necessary variations, requiring time-consuming approvals and modifications in collaboration with the conservation officer and architects.

Site Delays from Supply Chain Issues

The project encountered delays attributable to supply chain issues, particularly in the realm of steel fabrication. Extended lead times and design iterations from the streel fabricator, not aligning with project standards, led to setbacks. Similar challenges were faced with other specialist items like lintels and helifix ties.

Site Delays due to Lack of Workmanship Allowance

A critical oversight in the Bill of Quantities, both by the Quantity Surveyor and contractor, led to a lack of allowance for the specialised repairs required for the trusses. Proactively addressing this issue, Clarkebond engaged with different specialists, finding viable solutions to ensure the project’s progression.

Relationship with the Team:

The relationship with the team was excellent. Clarkebond worked very closely with the architect to find suitable solutions to complex problems and resolve any urgent matters that come up during the construction period.

Clarkebond was also in daily contact with the site to resolve arising issues or explain the proposals and the design intention. This collaborative approach ensured effective communication and a seamless working relationship with all stakeholders involved in the project.

Relationship with the Client:

This marked our initial collaboration with the client, and it was part of a larger scheme where close cooperation was essential. Clarkebond worked closely with the client to ensure a successful outcome. the relationship is positive, characterised by effective communication and collaboration.

Despite the responsibilities and scope of services, we went above and beyond to deliver the best results, showcasing our commitment to exceeding client expectations and contributing to the overall success of the project.

Future Work:

As of now, the completion of this project has not directly let to additional work. However, Clarkebond has submitted a bid for another project with the same client. Although further work is pending, the proactive engagement in bidding for subsequent projects demonstrates a continued and positive relationship with the client.

For further information about the Barnstaple Pannier Market: Barnstaple Pannier Market | North Devon Council

Project Facts

  • The Pannier Market was built back in 1855
  • Main Client: North Devon Council 
  • Start Date/Completion: September 2021 and completion was in November 2023 
  • Project Value: £2.5 Million